

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Always baking!

Today has been a baking day for me. I'm trying really hard to avoid anything processed, so everything needs to be homemade.

I've baked a white loaf, baps and two little orange teabreads.

For tea I've made a cheese, bacon and onion quiche and lemon curd tart.

Treats for the children's tea (they have a cooked meal at school) are shortbread and rocky road. I wish I could show you photos :(

If you fancy trying any of my recipes just comment or email me and I'll send them to you.

It's such a busy time of year but we've nearly made it to the summer holidays!  Two dental appointments and sports day this week then loads planned for next week.

Mandy x


  1. sounds yummy, I need to do some baking due to lack of time this last week I had to buy bread, we prefer homemade.

    1. Hi Margaret!
      I'm trying to bake bread as we need it, so much nicer!
