

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Food hoarding

Hi everyone

Life is extremely hectic at the moment...big things are going on which take up a lot of time so I just haven't found the time to blog.

I am a food hoarder! I'm trying hard to stop buying more than we need. I am happy if the cupboards and freezer are full but we really don't need that much. So I have a plan...

The plan is not to plan! No meal planning for a couple of weeks and just going through what we've got. I hope to have tidier cupboards so I can see what we need at a glance. I also want to go back to trying out new recipes.

As I'm short of time, I think I will maybe just post up photos of our meals for now.

The slow cooker is my friend at the moment!

I love dumplings...

Are there any other food hoarders out there? Or is it just me?!!

Mandy x


  1. I buy big every pay day. It's a habit from the days that DB was a shop assistant and we lived off his minimum wage alone. I would fill the cupboards, freezer and buy lots of tins and dried goods. I still stock up and then eat it down.

    1. Hi Froogs
      My hubby is self-employed and I like to be sure we have plenty of food just in case. It's that bit of security that I need x

  2. I do a big shop if we are expecting company, so that I have plenty of food to offer them - and then if we do not eat it all, we have plenty left over to keep the two of us going for a few days. I was given a huge bag of apples, which I have prepared and put in the freezer, so we are eating a lot of apple related stuff at the minute.
    Like you, my slow-cooker is in good use. [but NEVER for porridge, which it seems to turn into wallpaper paste] weekend blessings

    1. Hi Angela
      I've never tried porridge in the slow cooker, but I'll remember not to now! X

  3. I like my pantry and freezer stuffed full, just like you I am eating my way through it and like Angela I am ploughing my way through bags of apples. I just made a batch of apple and strawberry jam, gifted strawberries and apples, sugar at 37p a bag.

    1. Hi Pam
      I feel so much better now...I'm not the only one who food hoards! I think we will eat down so that it's a more manageable amount but still stocked x

  4. Hi Mandy
    i too am a hoarder, i cannot resist a bargain and any yellow stickered stuff i see in the supermarkets get chicked into the depth of one of the freezers (we currently have 4)!! 2 chest freezers in the shed, an undercounter in the kitchen and a massive fridge freezer in the spare bedroom. I have taken a very drastic reduction in wages going from roughly £600+ a month to about £85 a month and i used to buy the food. I used to go shipping a few times a week to assorted supermarkets, warehouses, outdoor markets, freezer centres etc but now hubby is doing the food shopping it has been whittled down to a big shop of about £100 - 120 a month then just top ups of milk, bread etc when needed. I am lucky that i had a very good store of dried goods and tinned stuff stashed in the spare bedroom and lots of past bulk buys from Approved foods. I bulk cook meals mainly from scratch and freeze in single or double portions.
    I would love to get better at baking, i think im quite good at making meals from nothing but my baking skills definately need improvement.
    take care jane

    1. Hi Jane
      Gosh £100 a month is brilliant! I've just begun to reduce my grocery bill and hopefully next week it will be down even more. X

  5. I am a serious hoarder with 3 full freezers [one is the dogs so we share] I cook from scratch and freeze garden produce. make jams and chutney, and country wine. with rural life we sometimes get snowed in. but I can not stop storing food think it was because I had a poor upbringing, getting sent with my sister to 'borrow a potato from several neighbours.

    1. Hi Phyllis
      I wish I could grow more in our garden and start preserving. I tried to make plum jam years ago but it was awful! X
