

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Taking time out for me...

Sorry I've been away from my blog for so long. Sometimes life gets in the way.

Seven years ago I injured my back quite badly. My recovery was slow and my physiotherapist warned me that my back muscles would continue to think that they need to protect the damaged facet joints.  The bones healed many years ago but my back muscles are still being fooled! Thankfully this happens rarely now (almost a year since the last time) but sometimes I will try to do something that hurts my back and if goes into protection mode again. This time was really stupid of me...I carried the Hoover upstairs. I normally ask for help but decided not to this time :-(

I hate having to rely on my family to lift heavy objects etc but I have definitely accepted I have to now. 

My lovely husband and daughter have been wonderful. Hubby even kept to my meal plan! He followed recipes and made some delicious homemade food. He did the housework after he finished work too.  In the early stages if was difficult for me to stand for long periods of time, although I do have to walk around every half an hour to prevent my muscles from seizing up. For example...standing up and preparing veg is painful. I have worked through the pain as best I can. I have medication and I use a TENS machine too. These aid my recovery.

My mobility is affected , but between us things are getting done.

My blog has been neglected. Not because of lack of time, I am sitting down more than I normally do and Daisy is benefitting from this...loads more stories and colouring together etc, but because I am not doing my normal thrifty routines. 

I am back cooking and doing basic chores, but my online shop last Sunday was not particularly thrifty or money saving! I'm not proud of this but I'm also not hiding it from you...this is real life and we are fortunate enough to be able to afford it if necessary. 

My meal plan is not very exciting or completely homemade. We are eating fruit and veg etc, just not a lot of meaty, cook from scratch 'gravy dinners' as we call them. Meals have been simple but not as cheap as they could be and this is a thrifty blog! I'm perfectly capable of making a steak pie, but I bought one. 

Yesterday I did roast chicken and this morning I have prepared tea using the leftover chicken. I'm getting there.

Next week I will hopefully be back on my blogging track. In the meantime, here's a few photos for you...

Daisy had some post! She eats very healthily and the organix range are perfect for the occasional snack. They are sweetened with grape juice and contain no rubbish. I collected some codes from the wrappers and entered online. This package was free! Inside was a badge, fruity snacks, carrot seeds and loads of ideas for activities to do with nature. We will start collecting the bits and bobs we need to make a bug house etc...right up Daisy's street! I'll let you know how we get on.

I've been doing a bit of mending...

...and I've started a patchwork project. 

We were given these runner beans...they are perfect! Not tough or tasty. We ate some with our roast yesterday...

Finally, I have had time to read while Daisy is having her nap and have finished this book... 

...and started another...

I know that I have some outstanding recipes to post up for those of you  that have requested them...I haven't forgotten! Also, thank you to those of you that have shown concern for me, I took comfort from that...thank you xx

Mandy x


  1. Nice to see you back, Mandy. Sorry about your ongoing back problems, I know what that's like. Had a slipped disc playing tennis many years ago and have suffered on and off ever since. Standing (usually in the kitchen, when prepping lots of veg or doing some baking) is what makes mine flare up....couple of days of regular doses of ibuprofen, or naproxen if it's really bad, usually sorts it out, although the muscles go into painful spasm sometimes when walking for a few days after. It's just something I've learnt to live with. Don't beat yourself up over the shopping and the odd readymade meal, we don't have to be superwomen!!

    1. Thanks Sooze, the muscle spasms are the worst part! So many people suffer with back's awful.

      I bought breaded fish, chicken, a pie and faggots...very easy meals but next week will be better x

  2. Oooh! Back pain is really not nice! Be sensible and behave now, won't you? I hurt my knee last February and although it is fine most of the time, it does stop me doing long stairways or steep gradients. Like you, I keep trying to do things I shouldn't.... not good!

    1. I promise I have definitely learnt my lesson this time! X

  3. Good to see you back. you're bviously an inspiration to your family in that they try and keep to your ways even when you're not supervising!

    1. :)

      Hubby wasn't totally convinced with all of my recipe choices but we had bought that food so he got on with it! He's actually a really good cook and it made a nice change for me (even though I was in pain at the time) x

  4. Be kind to yourself and let your back really heal. A toddler to care for isn"t easy when you are in pain. The patchwork project is a great idea to keep you off your feet. :)

    1. Daisy has actually aided my recovery because I am looking after her, but yes, I have had to carry on through the pain!

      I feel guilty if I do something for me that I enjoy. I have had chance to read and sew while my family are home to help with Daisy or she's been napping. It's been nice to get stuck into a project (which is actually for Daisy) and do something different...a hobby x

  5. I have been missing lately life just gets too busy sometimes but I am sorry you have not been well, Mandy. Take care & let others look after & help as much as possible so you can recover.

    1. I have a very lovely husband who is doing a marvellous job of looking after us all. I'm a lot better now, thank you xx
