

Thursday, 1 January 2015

A New Year...

Happy New Year everyone! 

I'm not making any promises to myself this year, just recommendations! 

I want to be more thrifty than last year, addressing a number of money saving issues I wastage, electricity consumption and grocery bills are my main concerns. I will be using my slow cooker a lot more for a start and removing as much packet/processed food from my shopping list as possible. Basic home cooking with very few ingredients is fine by me! Also baking is very important this year...not only does Daisy love baking, but it saves money and I know exactly what we're eating. 

Another focus for this year is hobbies. We do a lot of fun creative activities and messy play, but I rarely make time for my own hobbies. Over Christmas I have learnt how to do basic crochet stitches with the help of this book...

It's fiddly but I'm learning!

I've also been knitting...

This was my practice piece and now I have started a pattern to make Daisy's dolly a pram blanket...

I think it may take me a while!

I'm not putting any pressure on myself with blogging, but I will share my thrifty ways and creations with you as they happen. 

Thank you to all of you who read and left comments in 2014...I hope you'll join me in 2015!

Mandy x


  1. lang mae yer lume reek in 2015, I look forward to your posts in 2015 :-)

  2. Watch out, you can get 'hooked' on crochet! (see what I did there lol).
    Tho I haven't blogged it very much, crochet is a big part of my life.
    Have a Peaceful 2015.
    Susan x

  3. good luck with the crocheting. hope 2015 is good for you.

  4. i hope you have a good new year!!
    wish you luck with your crocheting!!!
    i look forward to your post in 2015.

  5. Can I mention Nikki Trench Cute N Easy Crochet - I am a newbie hooker, and find this book wonderful because it has projects that are worth doing! Happy new year to you and yours. Keep up the great blog - blessings xx

  6. Both knitting and crochet are addictive... very! Go enjoy and I'll enjoy seeing what comes off the needles!

  7. Happy new year Mandy, hope you have a great 2015. I taught myself to crotchet using the same book as you! I also find You tube a great source of help when I get stuck trying to understand patterns etc. Enjoy x

  8. There are stacks of inspirational crochet blogs out there, try Bunny Mummy and Attic21 for starters, good tutorials and lovely things to make.

  9. Jealous you cracked crochet I never have managed that. Good aims for money saving - small changes one at a time is the best way to make sure they really stick and become routine.
