

Friday, 6 September 2013

Auntie Charlotte...the best auntie in the world!

Hi everyone!

This is a post to show just how important  Auntie Charlotte is to Daisy...

She was there when Daisy was still in her mummy's tummy.
She took her mummy to most of her medical appointments.
She went to most of her scans.
She took a lot of time off work for this.

She was there when mummy was in hospital, whatever the time.
She rushed home from work to take mummy to hospital when we couldn't get hold off Grampy.
She looked after mummy when she was sick and tried to cheer her up.

She was there when Daisy was born.
She took time off work to visit Daisy and mummy in hospital and stayed there all day.

She gives Daisy loads of cuddles.
She looks after Daisy to help Grandma and Grampy out.

She plays with Daisy...they have lots of fun!
She sings to Daisy too.
She takes her places.
She buys her lovely things.

She said she would be the best auntie in the world...and Daisy knows she is.

A few photos to show you what I mean...

Mandy x

Charlotte rushed home from work to take me to hospital to join Ashley and Alice and remained the calm one while I cried! Alice is seriously ill here with pre-eclampsia.

Daisy is only a few minutes old here. Charlotte's first cuddle with her.

This is Daisy's first day at home.


  1. I agree Charlotte looks like the best Aunty ever. I have a Aunty who has been there for me my whole life she is just rock solid and so calm. I know I can tell her anything, she is 76 now and I am 42. Having a Aunty as good as Charlotte will make Daisy's life very special. Heres to great Aunties.
    Lors x
