

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Sunday 2nd January

So far so good ...

Well it's day 2 of my challenge and I haven't done too badly. Breakfast was porridge and golden syrup, lunch was a wholemeal pitta with cheese, and tea was homemade leek and potato soup, followed by pancakes.

I had my shopping delivered today, well half of it at 2.00 and the other half at 5.00. This happens far too much! I have yet to find a supermarket that can get things right. It's a real pain. This load of shopping has to last us until I get paid at the end of January so it will be quite a challenge to put food on the table that the children won't turn their noses up at! I'm sure my lot are becoming more fussy the older they get.

I'm afraid I have put off the ironing until tomorrow, but for a reason. My washing is now up-to-date so I can get all the ironing done before I go back to work on Tuesday.

I have had a busy day but there is still loads to do. Not much cooking planned for tomorrow as I want to make space in my chest freezer, so I am going to have a use up of the party food we have left from Christmas. I am going to try really hard not to throw food away from now on. A busy day ahead.

Until tomorrow ...

Mandy x

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