

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Too busy as usual!

I'm not that good at blogging yet...

Well I started off with good intentions, but I have a problem with sticking at things!

I have either been too busy or too tired to blog lately. I have managed to keep to my low carb diet though and have lost 3 1/4 pounds so far. I probably could of lost more if I hadn't gone out for two meals and eaten a slab of birthday cake. The first meal was lovely - with two friends after work on Friday. We went to Ikea in Milton Keynes (bought some scented candles, a new duvet set for my bed, two preserving jars and two washing-up brushes -only 31p!)

The second meal was on Monday when we had a farewell meal for a work colleague. I decided not to have a starter so that I could have a pudding. I seem to put on weight so easily, so I was convinced that instead of losing weight this week, I would have put more on. I actually lost 1 1/4 pounds this week even with my over-indulgence. I only have a salad for my lunch every day and I am quite used to this now. These small changes really make a difference and I'm sure that I can keep this up long term. I normally give up at about day three of all previous diets, but this is life changing otherwise the weight will go straight back on again. I am fed up with being fat and unfit, getting puffed out walking up a hill. I now weigh 11 stone 9 3/4 and I wear a size 18 top half and 14-16 bottom half. Ideally I would like to wear a size 12 top and bottom eventually, but one step at-a-time!

I haven't started learning any new crafts yet because I am tackling the mountains of clutter first. I plan to list some bits on ebay at the weekend to start selling again. Previously, I have done really well selling clothes and made over £200 towards last Christmas. I hope to clear the mess and earn some money to spend on stuff we need in the house. I am seriously considering opening an ebay shop and starting my own business but don't know what to sell or where to start!!! I think a lot of research is needed. Has anyone else noticed how food prices are increasing? I only buy the bare necessities now, but my money doesn't seem to stretch very far. I cook from scratch and bake, but I still need to cut back even further.

Work again tomorrow - roll on the weekend!

Mandy x

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